The trail is only a mile and a half but mark my words, this is not an easy hike! There will be a fare amount of bushwhacking involved. You have been warned. However if you survive the hike the reward at the end is very worthwhile.

Jessica Ross
The Shangri-La Waterfall is very secluded within the Bankhead National Forest in beautiful Alabama. There is no maintained trail or official path to reach the falls so its a good idea to carry a GPS while hiking.

Kelley Baldwin
Keep in mind, UNOFFICIAL TRAILS can change very quickly. Proceed with caution. I recommend bringing a map, GPS, and compass. Also let others know where you will be in case you get lost.
As always i suggest reviewing trail information, on All Trails, you can do so by clicking here.
For the hike out, closed toe shoes, and long pants are highly suggested. Good Luck.